Young Boy Electro Torture Has Anyone Heard Of...?

Has anyone heard of...? - young boy electro torture

The film "Something Wicked This Way Comes"?
What is the theme and the moral of this film
I need it for school ...
Here is the summary, if necessary:
In a small town in every U.S. state, two young breast Halloway and somewhat rebellious Jim Nightshade-enjoy the ever-shortening days in autumn. As children learn about a strange traveling carnival from a lightning-rod salesman, they have decided to see what it is, but fear, like most of the carnival to end their tours after Labor day. When the sinister Dark Lord, the enlightened man who walks in the city on a dark night, what will be a massive carnival in a few seconds, the boys excited and scared. Seems another carnival at the beginning, but not before the timethe forces of darkness in the haunting melodies of the carousel, depending on your age, how it manifests can navigate the maze and to change glaring mirror. With his collection of monsters and rarities, such as fat, does Dr. Electro, and bring dust, the blind witch, Dark, control of the city to condemn and take advantage of innocent souls. It is all the spirit and the hope that the two children to save their families and friends, with the aid of a scarcely ally, the father of Will, the librarian of the city, with more than anyone that there is some damage in this way. "
Thank you:)


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