Difference between acid reflux and heart attack? - difference between acid reflux and angina
I know the difference between the two. The heart is burning, burning in the esophagus and a heart attack feels pressure and pain felt in the neck, left arm, or almost every area of the breast. Last summer I had some cramps in her left breast and my left arm was a bit asleep twice. After investigation I came, that it is probably easier angina pectoris. Toward the end of summer, I went to my doctor for a series of tests (see blood tests, x-ray, said ECHO) and everything was in perfect condition.
Then he prescribed a medication for acid reflux, which leads me to my question. Why I prescribe a medication for acid reflux? How do you know what it was? I do not think that it can prove a test. I've never seen anything like this to consume, because I do drugs. There is always a side effect. In this case, I might end up with rotten food in the stomach to an insufficient supply of stomach acid. That sounds like a serious complication of acid reflux. I knOW what it feels like acid reflux, and healthy food, because to eat it.
BTW, it can neck pain. He had the bad habit of cracking my neck when I was younger. I wondered if the pain spreads to the chest, and in rare cases, my left arm. There are many cases where I feel pain in the neck, as during an episode.
Difference Between Acid Reflux And Angina Difference Between Acid Reflux And Heart Attack?
2:41 PM
His research is suspect.
Angina comes from the heart muscles, the oxygen supply is insufficient for the needs of the myocardium) (heart muscle. Stable angina is usually stable form of plaques, in the light of the coronary arteries, in recent decades - that prevent the blood supply. To form diabetes, hypertension, smoking, high cholesterol and family history influence the development and the type of plaques.
Since, as chances are you've had a slight sore throat and then with your doctor functional studies to evaluate their heart, and she was a virgin? Close to zero, I suppose. So her doctor was asking what was his chest discomfort it?
Indicate what a more complete set of symptoms, heart disease and others who always shows the ebb there are no rules, only some general rules. Everyone is different and presents a little different. Burning in the chest after eating, sometimes it can angina pectoris. Chest tightness with exercise can sometimes reflux. Therefore, we do not workother cardiac studies to assess objectively what is what.
If the heart is working up negative, the potential treatment of reflux high performance and very little for the group () possibly diarrhea. Is it more effective to deal with the pain, the diagnosis can be established. There is no change in the mobility of food, if not take the reflux medication drawbacks. The quality of the food choices also have to do very little with the reflux ... For example, tomatoes and mint known esophogeal lower sphincter relaxation, cause that leads to more reflux.
Finally, the chest pain with arthritic changes in the breast area of the spine can be associated (although is cracking his neck) uncertain cause. There is no known cure for this problem and due to the short presentation, I doubt it is a good way to prove that either. But his return would be potentially chronic degenerative changes clearly on X-ray or MRI, if you've always wanted to take this opportunity to be assessed.
Moreover, much of the self-assessment of their health isConditions seem to have been wrong. Be careful to draw conclusions. Your doctor should be able to get their questions one and on the track. Finally, sometimes there is only one answer to any pain or discomfort you are. If you are in good general condition, call a day and consider that energy to do something to enjoy you.
Good luck.
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