Kitchenaid Food Processor - Blade removal difficult? - used kitchenaid
I received a treatment is rarely used Kitchenaid food recently - looks like new - very well. Almost 12 years.
Problem: The main, large distances of the leaves is very difficult.
I had to put on the floor, and pull and get the transition to this matter.
Almost no impact on the attractiveness of this matter.
This will be a problem by removing the plate requires the removal of the first sheet.
This is a plastic-plastic compound (material such as plastic)
The blade (plastic body / steel blade), slip on the plastic rod.
I tried WD40 and a silicone lubricant, after trying to deposit thin (axis), too aggressive.
- Take your KitchenAid?
- How did you (or, like me) to solve this problem?
I got this holiday season without having had the processor, but the other night, I cut and added to a mixture of cinnamon / sugar mixture, a cookie-nut palm (filled pastries). Of course I had to lift the entire unit to dump the mixture out.
Very good tool, but. . .
Used Kitchenaid Kitchenaid Food Processor - Blade Removal Difficult?
11:50 PM
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