Zovirax Genital Herpes Question About First Outbreak Of Herpes?

Question about first outbreak of herpes? - zovirax genital herpes

I recentley diagnossed with HSV2 ... and put me in the zovirax been told that my doctor may be transferred from salivia a cold sore. My partner has a cold sore for a few weeks ago and now I have herpes, what are the chances it genital herpes? Should I be tested for other sexually transmitted diseases and how long we wait before sex again ..

I really want answers from someone who has the virus and may explain its first outbreak of ...


Rivergir... said...

There is much to do in your question. Bear with me if it is long.

First, you might have genital herpes by receiving oral sex get from your partner, but the majority of oral herpes infections by HSV-1, does not cause HSV2. You can have HSV2 orally, but most people with oral HSV2 not many of real estate.

Secondly, you may have genital herpes from HSV2 have when you have genital herpes. Many people with genital herpes have no symptoms, but the virus can still happen, even if no symptoms are present.

Thirdly, as of now, there's always a chance that you are contagious. I suppose you are contagious, if you have a fireplace. But even if you are not, you can still spread the virus sometimes. This is as asymptomatic shedding "- basically no signs of infection. The tricky part is that you do not know when this happens.

I would definitely suggest you take a blood test for HSV2. If you already have HSV2 (genital or oral) andwere only a few months, it is highly unlikely that it would take over, or in other parts of the body. If you have HSV2, then you must be sure to avoid sex if you have a house, you can have suppressive drugs to reduce the risk of contamination.

Note that if it does not HSV2, and does, and I've never sex when you are with an epidemic, then the probability of transmission over 5% per year. For all you know.

Please do not hesitate to email me if you have questions or just to another question. Remember all the answers to read them from Y! To respond to reliable sources. My favorite is the trusted source website below. It was a life saver for me when I was diagnosed.

Good luck - and sorry for the diagnosis.

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